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NY Times discusses skin quality improvement after Coleman Fat Grafting

Posted October 15, 2008 in Hand and Forearm Rejuvenation, Media

The New York Times recently mentioned Sydney Coleman’s fat grafting treatment, LipoStructure®, for hand rejuvenation through skin quality improvement.

“Dr. Sydney Coleman, a plastic surgeon in New York, has developed a procedure over the last 10 years that involves putting up to a thousand tiny injections of a person’s own fat into their hands; the procedure, which costs at least $12,000, is done in-office and the results last over a decade, he says. The patient is likely to endure about three weeks of puffiness and redness, he said.”

This article used photographs of the back of the hand after Coleman fat grafting.  The photographs demonstrate progressive skin quality improvement over eight years (above) after only one treatment with Coleman fat grafts.

Grafted fat does more than simply restore fullness.  After placement of the fat, changes occur in skin overlying the grafted sites over the next few week, months and years (for instance, immediately after implantation, in the first months, at one year, three years, five years, eight years et cetera).  The volume of the fat appears to stabilize four months after the procedure, but the texture of sun damaged or scarred skin appears to improve in the ensuing months and years.

For more information of fat grafting to the aging hand and skin quality improvement, please refer to earlier post

“Hand Rejuvenation with Coleman Fat Grafting”

Hand Rejuvenation by Thickening Skin with Coleman Fat Grafting

Younger Hands with Coleman Fat Grafting and Light Therapy

Hand Rejuvenation with Coleman Fat Grafting Now More Affordable

Hands (in LipoStructure Website)

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