Male Chest Gallery
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This man presented with severe depressions of both nipples from a Gynecomastia procedure. A physician had tried to reduce the size of his chest, but left him with severe scarring and depressions of the central chest (left). One year after fat grafting to the chest followed by release of the scarring, his chest looks and feels normal.
Male Chest 02

This 29 year old man presented desiring more definition of his chest. He had investigated the use of silicone implants, but did not feel they created the definition that he was looking for. He returns at one year after one fat grafting to the medial and lower chest pleased with the defined appearance.
Male Chest 03

This 26-year-old man presented with the desire for larger nipples (left). A few months after fat grafting, he was able to wear nipple rings. Two years later (right) he returns pleased with his result.